dashen bank vacancy 2022 Ethiopia

Dashen banks wants to hire interested applicants for the following positions.

Position one: Customer Service Office / Maker

Career Level: Entry Level/Fresh Graduate
Employment Type: Full time


  1. Wolita District Office
  2. Jimma District Office
  3. Hawassa District Office
  4. Dire Dawa District Office
  5. Dessie District Office
  6. Bahir Dar District Office
  7. Addis Ababa District Offices
  8. Adama District Office

Job Description: The Customer Service Officer or Maker is responsible to make front office customer service support at the branch level. She or he will handle payment, account maintenance and collection transactions and respond to customer enquiries, handle cash and non-cash transactions and all customer requests at the branch.

Job Requirements:

  •  Bachelor Degree in a business related field example Economics,Accounting, Business Administration or Management.
  • Graduated  after July 2020 G.C.
  • Age not more than 25 years old.
  • Ability to communicate in local languages is an additional advantage.

Experience: zero(0) year

How To Apply: Interested and qualified applicants should apply through the following form. Don’t forget to scan your documents while applying.

For Wolita District  https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=beiahVyoYU60Iqj2TsjDW4jw3ZKRnaxBtKmvyXD88cZUOTY0VEZVVFZDOVI1TEVNWkpWTjRGVTRZSiQlQCNjPTEu

For Jimma District https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=beiahVyoYU60Iqj2TsjDW4jw3ZKRnaxBtKmvyXD88cZUNkdNOUo4MVhITEQ3MjVPTkFZQ1pSSUw3WiQlQCNjPTEu

For Hawassa District https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=beiahVyoYU60Iqj2TsjDW4jw3ZKRnaxBtKmvyXD88cZUNExOUzFLRkg1QTZLQ0VJODVBSjhRWElOTiQlQCNjPTEu

For Dire Dawa District https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=beiahVyoYU60Iqj2TsjDW4jw3ZKRnaxBtKmvyXD88cZUNURPQk9UVlBNWUlOWDdBRTYzT1Q1SjVLTCQlQCNjPTEu

For Dessie District   https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=beiahVyoYU60Iqj2TsjDW4jw3ZKRnaxBtKmvyXD88cZUM1RLSFpDQlM1SlFTUDNBS1o2NkVZNFlQVCQlQCNjPTEu

For Bahir Dar District https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=beiahVyoYU60Iqj2TsjDW4jw3ZKRnaxBtKmvyXD88cZUOTZVSERCTFdMNUFaVk5LSDRJTzZKMVRLRyQlQCNjPTEu

For Adama District https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=beiahVyoYU60Iqj2TsjDW4jw3ZKRnaxBtKmvyXD88cZUMzVGTVYySkJGNTJaUFdCTjBMVVk4VVFNTiQlQCNjPTEu

For Addis Abeba District https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=beiahVyoYU60Iqj2TsjDW4jw3ZKRnaxBtKmvyXD88cZUQlROQ1RTU0ZWQ1g5TEJRVVFZSUsxSDg3WSQlQCNjPTEu

Deadline: The deadline of the above jobs is Jun 24 202.


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